
Bash Scripting, QuickEMU and Ubuntu Focal Testing

With some more time on my hands. I have been doing some Ubuntu Testing after watching the youtube videos of both Alan Pope and Martin Wimpress and inspired to help with the ISO QA.

I recommend checking out Martin Wimpress’s QuickEMU. Which is a cool alternative to Virtualbox and ideal for quick iso testing.

This has also started me off learning bash scripting and the project has been to automate a way of downloading the Ubuntu daily images for testing.

You can find my project here: Ubuntu-Daily-Build-Downloader

Learning Emacs

It has been quite sometime since I’ve updated this blog. I look a break from coding in general and only in last few months have I been working on a project for work that involves Laravel. Laravel is pretty cool framework for PHP coders and enjoying what that offers so far. But today’s subject is all about Emacs.

I’ve been jumping from editor to editor. As I have been following Laravel tutorials I have been seeing how different people use their editors. PHPStorm is a popluar one for Laravel. VSCode seems to be gaining popularity. I personally have been using Sublime and that has been a good stable editor for me. Atom was good but I just found it very slow compared with the others.

Recently I have discovered Emacs editor and what interests me about this editor is that it has been around for quite some time and still being actively used and extended. It is very keyboard driven and after learning VIM key binding I’m starting to see the benefits of not reaching for a mouse all the time.

I have made a repo with my emacs configuration in it and I plan to continue updating this with new things I find. Emmet has been a good html too that used back in Sublime and import that in. I’m currently writing this article in Emacs at the moment and it recognises markdown.

I will be gathering together so resources and links that I use both for my own reference and anyone that stumbles acrossed this article and also interested in learning the world of Emacs.

p5.js Chaos Game


After watching one of the latest videos from Numberphile on Youtube.
I thought, I could try making this mathematical thing in p5js.
In the past I have had code example to work from, but this time all I had was maths.
It was a good challenge for me as Maths is not a strong point for me and working out the code for this allowed me to learn it in more detail.

After coming up with a good working prototype. I decided to put some polish on this and use Bootstrap theme to make it look nice and also output the dice, counter and also add a slider for the user.

Here is the page Click Here

And the repo for this is :

Happy Easter


Hello everyone, just a quick post this time to wish you a Happy Easter.
And as my continuation on writing code as much as often. Here is a little p5.js sketch.

I have just finished the Nature of Code course on Kadenze and awaiting my final score. Really enjoyed it and look forward to doing more coding.



One of my biggest projects on P5js so far has been a project to help me keep track of what the current lesson is at school.
Without a bell system in the school and a technician that doesn’t have a lesson timetable it can be difficult keeping track of what lesson it is.

I decided that a p5 project could help me out with this.
I have learnt a great deal doing this project about:

  • working with javascript date function
  • Calculating remaining time
  • Using my own JSON file as data input

Internation Space Station Tracker

This one is all about API’s. I have been watching Dan’s videos on using API’s

I have combined the Mapbox API and ISS API to create a site that shows you where the Internation Space Station currently is on a world map.

There are many sites out there that do this already but this was fun and an example to learn about API’s.

View the ISS Tracker here

Github project files

Playing with Jekyll

I have started getting more into Git and Github as you probably see by the new posts.

Dan Shiffman has a great series of tutorials that explained Git and Github really well that made it click for me this time round. I tried using Github a while back and didn’t really understand it.

Dan Shiffman’s Git and GitHub for Poets

With playing around with Github, I have revisited Github Pages (this site) and decided to have a go at Jekyll. Something that I tried to learn some years ago but just didn’t understand the concepts. Hopefully if you are reading this post it means I have had some success.

Jekyll is a very different approach if you are use to Wordpress or coding a website from scratch in a text editor.

One change I have made to my setup is trying out Xubuntu linux distro as the tools seem to be better than on Windows 10. (Some may say anything is better than Windows 10)

Anyway, thank you for visiting and hopefully you’ll return soon.

p5.js Matrix Code


Hi everyone, I am a p5.js beginner but enjoying the videos from Dan Shiffman on TheCodingTrain youtube channel.

Today I followed the tutorial by the guest presenter Emily on making a Matrix code effect.

I tweaked the code a bit so it uses the fading effect that Emily used afterward in her github version and also added numbers into it and making sure they are centred correctly.

Here is the page Click Here

And the repo for this is :